Mindful Monday: Magical Moments

Magic is in the air…Santa and the elves are hard at work getting ready to fly with Rudolph and his friends around the world, snowflakes are falling, Frozen 2 is in the theaters and I’ve fallen in love with the little fire spirit, Bruni. Whether you are 2, 22, or 102, there is something magical and special about this time of year. I invite you to open your eyes, your heart, and your spirit to the magic that is in the air…

Take a moment today and just breathe in the magic…look around, notice the twinkling stars, the brightly colored Christmas lights, the shining menorah, and the radiant smiles. Breathe in the magic…listen to the joyful laughter, the festive Christmas carols, the cheering fans of holiday football games, and the clatter of Santa’s sleigh and 8 tiny reindeer. Breathe in the magic… smell the delicious gingerbread cookies baking in the oven, the aromatic holiday candles burning brightly, the delightful peppermint candy canes hanging from your tree, and the fragrant evergreen wreath adorning your door. Breathe in the magic…feel the love, generosity, and gratitude within you and all around you…as you open your heart to the magic of this moment in time.

This exercise may be an easy one for you as you are surrounded by joyful friends and family or you may find it quite challenging as you struggle with heartache, loss, anxiety, financial worries, or  health challenges right now. Magical moments may feel very far away. I invite you to give it a try anyway. Notice just one holiday decoration that you find beautiful, listen for the sound of laughter or breathe in the peace of the silent night, buy yourself a piece of peppermint bark and smell the delicious and delightful chocolate and peppermint before you pop it in your mouth. Take a moment to think about someone you love and notice how you feel, notice if you smile or your heart warms. Take a moment to reach out to one person, whether you know them or not, and generously offer a kind word or compliment. Write down all of the things you are grateful for in this moment, no matter how small they may be. Breathe in the feelings of love, generosity and gratitude. This is magic

Magic is in the air…give yourself the gift of enjoying every magical moment. You may experience frustration, overwhelm, disappointment and grief over the next week. Keep your attention and focus on the magic around you – and yes, there is always magic. Look for it, create it, enjoy it.

Wishing you all Magical Moments of Laughter, Wonder, and Joy !